Even though you spent months planning your wedding day, there are still a few things that you’ll need to get done afterward. It may seem like this is a never-ending list but these are the final items that you should add to your to-do list.
- Send thank-you notes. It’s always best to end these sooner rather than later, simply because it’s easy to forget who gave you what once the honeymoon is over and you get back to work. Try scheduling a day in your calendar when you and your partner can sit down and send thank you notes.
- Create or update your will. Now that you’re married, you may find that you either want to create a will or update your existing documentation. If you’re planning to have children, you’ll also want to have a will in place for that.
- Update your insurance information. Now that your marital status has changed, you will want to update any and all insurance policies to include your spouse’s details.
- Change your last name. If you will be taking your partner’s surname, you’ll need to take some time out to officially change it along with all of your official documentation such as your driver’s license.
- Order your wedding album. The minute you receive your photos from your photographer, order your wedding album as it can take several weeks to arrive. While you’re doing this, you might also want to select a few photos to print for your home – don’t forget the frames. Some couples also choose to print mini albums for their parents so find out whether your photographer offers these in their collections.
- Give your favorite vendors a good review. If you were impressed with most or all of your vendors, give them a good review online. Many vendors rely on recommendations for their business, so take a few minutes to help them out.
- Exchange the gifts you don’t want. If they’re duplicates or gifts that you simply don’t want, take some time to return or exchange them before they end up gathering dust in a closet in your home.
And there you have it, these are the final things you will need to do after your wedding day. By adding the tasks to your schedule ahead of time, it will be much easier to make sure they get done.